Listen to a sample of her music here:
Her music is also available for digital download on iTunes and all digital stores by typing “tey jyoti”
Her music is also available for digital download on iTunes and all digital stores by typing “tey jyoti”
Tey (Jyoti) has been in music and theater most of her life. When she came out with her first album entitled “Take Me High” in 2004, Music Connection Magazine named her as ‘One of the Top Hot Indie Artist of the Year’ and penned her a gifted songwriter and vocalist who sets herself apart with a raw and palpable soulful influence. Her music has been a mainstay in DJ record pools and hit on internet and terrestrial radio stations across the U.S. and Europe.
In 2007 she entertained the U.S. troops in six countries in the Middle East, including three military bases in a heavily war-torn Afghanistan.
Also an experienced yoga instructor certified by the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Tey spent time at the Sivananda Yoga Ashram learning philosophy and chanting in sankrit. She just came out with a CD entitled “Divine Mother Chants”.
“I started Kirtan back in 2009 when I first heard it, and I knew then that I needed to come out with a cd. Therefore I have since studied, meditated, lead, and performed Kirtan. I am inspired by the divine…, family, friends, neighbors, students, teachers, life, love. Everything inspires me. Bhakti (singing Kirtan) comes easily to many as all we need is love in our hearts.”
To me, yoga is… a way of life
I hope to teach my students… the way of life of yoga
I love to teach… because it inspires, in body, mind, spirit
Before yoga… life could be extremely frightening at times
Book I’m reading right now… and always, “Bhagavad Gita”
Home is… the present moment
I seek… liberation, peace, happiness, and contentment, which are basically all the same
Favorite quotes:
Health is wealth, Peace of mind is happiness, Yoga shows the way.” – Swami Vishnudevananda.
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” – Buddha
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