Workshop with Sudhir Tiwari
February 28- March 2 At North Shore yoga
by Brooke Cline
Sudhir Tiwari grew up at the Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute in Lonavla, India, under the tutelage of Swami Digambarji and his father, pranayama master Shri Om Prakash Tiwari. Degreed in engineering and business and pursuing a successful career in the health and wellness industry, Tiwari recalls, “Yoga helped me with stress management, decision making and handling difficult situations in an objective manner.”
Then in 2012, Tiwari found his true calling: spreading the teachings of his early community. His mantra “Breathe Positive, Breathe Yoga!” highlights the focus of his spring workshop at North Shore Yoga in Northfield: pranayama. Through breathwork, one can control prana (life force) and remove distractions from the mind to better prepare for meditation.
Participants “will learn the correct techniques of these practices based on authoritative yogic texts,” Tiwari said. In addition to pranayama instruction and an exploration of its health benefits, workshop includes discussions and practices of asanas, a progressive chakra-based Beej Mantra, meditation techniques and ayurvedic principles.
Learn pranayama techniques and dive deeper into your yoga practice with Sudhir Tiwari at North Shore Yoga Northfield (nsyoga.com).
Feb. 28, March1-2
9:30 a.m.-noon Pulse reading, explanation of salient features of pranayamic practices, preparatory practices and pranayama
1:30 p.m.-4 p.m. Discussion, chanting, pranayama and meditation
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