Are you friends with your money? If the topic of MONEY makes you sweat, don’t keep scrolling and dig deep right now into this one.This is a tough subject. It’s often taboo to talk about, but unless you have had the opportunity to learn and resolve the “money blueprint” that you may have grown up with. it’s time to take a deeper look.

Friends with money?
RATE yourself in the area of MONEY
1 is you don’t comfortably talk about money easily, you don’t open bills within a week of receiving, and you “hope” people will pay you what you’re worth. You hope for a good life, but very unsure and uneasy about retirement.
10 is when you and money are on track, in sync and friends! You love your job and feel good about what you get paid, your time off, and time, energy, resources to pursuit travel, hobbies, and adventure. You know your retirement will be your best days.
CONSIDER these questions (journal and/ot discuss with friends and significant other)
- How would you describe your money “style” (Thanks to Jennifer Love of One More Woman for these distinctions):
- Avoiders: Money is “bad, have anxiety and fear around money, believe that “rich people are greedy”, and you have a hard time believing that you reserve to have money.
- Worshipper: You believe “money is the answer to your problems,” and you never have enough money, travel, conferences, and activities will lead you to getting your next best raise, job, or sale.
- Status seeker: Net worth is your self-worth, you show off your stuff because people always tell you what great style or taste you have and that feels good! You are more often in debt than not.
- Cautioners: your money is in order, to Nth degree, your friends pass you the bill to “do the math”, your family and friends describe you as frugal. You are driven by fear and sometimes can’t spend money for fun.
- How did you learn about money? Wealth? Saving? Negotiation salaries? Investments?
- Are you aware of your mom and your dad’s money story (they will have different ones)? What is the story? What money story did you “inherit” from you parents?
- Do you know how to calculate how much you should have in retirement at this stage of your life?
- How do you feel about your net worth? Do you know how to calculate it?
- Are you aware of “Abundance Mindset”? What does it mean to you?
- Who do you need to talk to about your financial situation?
- What would it feel like to have ease around money?
- Educate yourself: either books, webinars, seminars, or podcasts.
- Start saving $10/Day, put it into savings every week.
- Do the work: Explore your money story with a money coach.
CAPTURE these thoughts:
- Choose one photo that captures the feeling of being at ease with money and feeling successful
- Choose one quote that captures who you want to be feel in your relationship with money
My favorite books:
Anything by David Bach
Kate Northrop’s Money: A Love Story
David Ramsey’s The Total Money Makeover
Money Master the Game by Tony Robbins
The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist
Millionaire Success Habits by Dean Grasiosi
See also:
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