36 Hours, 7 Classes in New York City In early June, I planned a “refresh and learn” trip to NYC. I took seven classes in two days, loved being a student learning from fantastic teachers, and definitely felt refreshed doing some really different kinds of workouts. I definitely took a big bite out of the Big Apple and it was delicious! Read about my time with Pritam at RaMa Institute and Erin at Exhale, Central Park South, plus visits to Hackd Fitness, Laughing Lotus, Alvin Aielyopen dance classes, intenSati with Patricia Moreno and BRRRN (a cold studio workout). |
Short on time? Here’s a three-minute video recap of Lourdes’ visit to NYC |
What We’re Reading: WellbeingStudies show that people who exercise at least two days a week are happier and have significantly less stress, yet in a recent Gallup survey of 400,000 Americans, only 27% said they get the recommended minimum 30 minutes of exercise five days per week. Check out this except from the New York Times’ bestseller Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements to learn how exercise, sleep and physical well-being all play an essential role in our health, happiness, and daily energy. |
Counting What CountsYour weight, blood pressure, and other traditional ways we measure and track our health matter, but it’s important to look beyond that traditional data when measuring one’s whole health. Count the number of hours you sleep. Track the number of days that you exercise each week. Consider how you’re managing your energy, rather than just checking the boxes. Learn about other ways to live your best Illumined life here. |
New Ways to Breathe + MoveNew to Chicago? Searching for a yoga or fitness community? Explore our list of vetted wellness centers, yoga studios, fitness studios and more. Browse the Illumine Life! Directory online. |
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