Introducing… Oliva Moreno-Mori

Our youngest feature to date, Olivia Mori-Moreno shares how she shines so bright
Think back to your childhood… What made you happy?
Our youngest feature so far, Oliva Moreno-Mori shines so bright, and reminds us that living a happy life lies in the simple things. “When I make people feel happy it brings me joy! And doing things I love: gymnastics, karate, cooking, Girl Scouts and selling Girl Scout cookies,” Olivia says. What simple things can you do today to bring yourself joy?
Olivia’s mom, Patricia Moreno, was our Teacher Feature in a previous issue of illumine. She is an incredible fitness and teacher and the creator of intenSati, based on NYC. You can find out more about Patricia Moreno at
Tho photo above was actually captured a photoshoot with Patricia and the intenSati leaders in NYC. We were just so captivated and impressed with Olivia, we had to share the joy.
Do you know any inspiring people? Ask them what lights them up, or use some of our questions here. It’s a great way to stay inspired and to tap into the practices that keep them inspired and shining so bright.
For more:
Katy Hanlon #shinesobright
Emmy Rigali #shinesobright
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