There’s so much below the surface! And when we feel those moments of tension from family dynamics, it’s illumined to consider the surface. More from Candice:
Discover and Grow
“Grandpa, I’ve carried your fate for so long. Now I honor yours by leaving it with you. I see that it is your fear that I’ve carried. I no longer need to carry it. I see your parents behind you, carrying your loss with you. As I see you and my great-grandparents now, I see love, and as I face my future, it is full of love.”
For most of my life, I had been sunk with the fear of lack in all its many forms. Of money, of food, a lack of love, a lack of time. The fear would come in times of prosperity and in times of struggle, seemingly not in any way attached to my reality, but snagged like an anchor inside of me.
As it unfolded, I had been in connection with a story of money in my family line that dated back to when my grandfather was 5 years old! What came through in a Family Constellation was the enormous amount of visceral grief I was holding around my grandpa’s loss of his own mother and the disconnection with his father, as well as my own loss.
The Process: Family Constellations
Family constellations is an in-body process that untangles the energetic bonds that connect us to the suffering of those before us. By acknowledging what is, organic resolution can unfold so that you can step into life with more ease and power, and towards your natural desires.
We can be untangled and healed in an embodied way through Family Constellations or Systemic Constellations Healing Work, healing yourself, the family ancestry, and the energy of abundance, love, and money in your lineage…
The Workshop:
Join Candice in restoring the flow of love at her upcoming Family + Systemic Constellations Workshop on July 21st in Chicago. For more information and to register visit: https://candicewu.com/flowoflove
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