When we enter the world,
we’re numbered.
21 inches long
7 pounds 6 ounces
As we grow, we accumulate
more numbers.
1520 SAT score
1328 Michigan Avenue
There comes a time when men
and women begin to take on
different numbers.
Trump: $4 billion net worth
Marilyn: 37-23-36
Our attachments to numbers
grow and grow.
And yet, in the end, we all
boil down to 1: the indivisible
number. The sum of purity,
security and wholeness.
This is our manifesto: to bring
all humans back to oneness, to
unity. To reconcile inequality. To
advance the message that there is
no true separation between one
and another.
A lifelong advocate for women and girls, Annie Warshaw (pictured above, right) fights for equality as the cofounder and CEO of Mission Propelle, an enrichment program that empowers young girls through yoga and reading. President and co-founder Jill Carey (pictured above, left) calls upon her background in media and graphic design to develop Mission Propelle’s original curriculum of 75 storybooks.
An illumined life regularly features the manifesto of an inspiring Chicagoan. Send your nomination to submissions@illuminemagazine.net.
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